Thursday, January 20, 2011

Labor, the Hardest Work You'll Ever Love?

Labor and lovemaking hormones are the same (oxytocin and prostaglandins). Increasing the release of these hormones during labor can help speed your labor.
The increase can be accomplished through kissing, "making out," breast or nipple stimulation, stimulating the clitoris or having an orgasm, just "simply lying naked in skin contact with your partner will help increase oxytocin." (Intercourse is okay as long as your bag of waters is intact.)
Physical closeness can, also, relieve pain. (p 43-44)

"Once active labor is reached, labor is more similar from woman to woman, and the baby will probably be born within the next five to ten hours." (p 45)

" response to the effort and pain of labor, women's bodies produce extremely high levels of endorphins (natural painkillers and mood-boosters)." (p 47-48)

"While practicing on the toilet, if you feel you must strain or you will not be able to have a bowel movement, take a break and wait until later in the day when the urge to push feels stronger. Because pregnancy can be a time of increased constipation, you may have the perfect opportunity to try this out!" (p 50)

"These sensations will build up until the baby begins to pass the pubic bone, at which point the urge to push will become an overwhelming force." (p 52)

"Let your early bearing-down urges simply be there, while neither resisting them nor adding extra force to them." (p 52)

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Cesarean Section booklet.
Three reasons to have a doula if having a VBAC:
1 Having "a doula lowers the rate of cesarean,"
2 "doulas lower the use of epidurals and medications to stimulate labor,"
3 "giving birth after a cesarean involves restoring your confidence that you can do it." (p 57)

"A Canadian study of thirteen hundred women showed that mothers with higher motivation for a VBAC were much more likely to achieve one." (p 58)

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