Dr. Marshall Klaus, "touching and stroking of your arm or thigh, the looking into your eyes, what we have seen is that this reduces most of the problems and difficulties with labor--reduces the need for cesareans, the need for drugs and a host of other things." (p.85)
Page 80, 81,89 have lists of ways to find a doula. One for me, for some day, Christian Midwives International (U.S.A.) Referrals to Christian midwives and doulas.
Adoptive parent "breastfeeding expert Lenore Goldfarb." (p. 92)
Support services for birth families. (p 94)
"For more information about doulas and surrogacy or adoption, contact the Childbirth and Postpartum Professionals Association, at 888-MY-CAPPA" or click here cappa. (p. 94)
Questions doulas ask,
"Have you been learning about birth, or do you need basic information? Have you taken birth classes or read books about birth?"
Who will be with you at your birth? What kind of support would they like to offer, and what kind of support will they need?
If you have given birth before, what was your experience like?
How do you wish to handle the potential pain of labor?
Do you have health concerns or emotional concerns you would like to share? If you have an unusual health condition, can you supply your doula with information about it?" (p.98)
Doula fees, "Typical fees for a newly trained doula in North America are in the range of $300. Fees for an experienced doula start at approximately $600 in smaller towns, and can reach about $2,000 in cities with the highest cost of living, such as San Francisco or New York City." (p. 97)
Couples can ask for a doula as a gift registry item. For cash gifts, some websites to check-out are:
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