Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Experience

The journey to this point has been long.
Growing up, I wanted one more child than my aunt. By the time I graduated high school, she had nine.
Reality set in and my wish for one more than her shrunk to 5, maybe. Then, to four. Currently, it stands at three. I don't know what God's plan is for the future of our family. I would still like, "one more." However, my husband, as seems to be the case with most husbands of doulas, has caught on to the, "one more," idea and with that has come the skepticism if just, "one more," would be the end of it.
My husband and I took Bradley classes when expecting our first child. I had put a lot of meds in my body to get pregnant, as is the case with people who have fertility problems, and wasn't willing to put in more to get him out of me.
I had an amazing labor and birth experience. One of my first comments after his birth was, "Can we do it again in 9-months?"
Eighteen months later, we did it again. And again, it was AMAZING!
Then, again, 21-months later.
Between the birth of our second and our third, I started teaching classes.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut about how wonderful un-medicated childbirth was and would willingly share with anyone who would listen. Which, often looked like an expectant mom. I quickly discovered, it was the expectant dad that needed to be listening and the easiest way to do that was to teach a class.
Our Bradley instructor was glad to welcome me to the world of childbirth instructor. I owe many thank yous to our instructor who first helped me to see what was possible.

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